Furthermore, what I have found most remarkable would have to be the story of small little Lucy. She was discovered in 1974, being only three feet and eight inches tall. She belongs to the group called Australopithicus Afarensis, which were considered closer to apes. But what was so peculiar about Lucy was the way her pelvis and hip joint were, it showed that she walked straight just like a human would. Although her head, height, and brain size described a chimp. Headlines grew and made remarkable little Lucy a popular historical figure.
Now moving on to another historical figure has to be the story of African Eve. It is said to be that all humans were evolved from one Homo Sapien in Africa. DNA Mitochondria Eve was chosen for this study because only females carried Mitochondria from their fertilized eggs, which transmitted a new baby being born. As a result, you can trace back all their ancestors. But it is said to be by scientist, results can be different depending on the way the information was entered on the computer program. So as you can see we still have much to learn and have a whole lot of information to uncover.
As a conclusion, this information has not affected the way I believe or see things. I was raised in a Catholic church so I will always stand by that. Has it raised questions in my head? Yes of-course. It's always good to learn and see things from a different angle. Til this day eyebrows are being raised in different cases, questions yet are to be answered. I believe we never have the full answers to every single thing in life. We just have to continue to live and learn.
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